I fight for a cure for me & our amazing children❤️

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Good Riddance 2020 ๐Ÿ˜†

Well here we are at the end of probably the most interesting and the most frustrating year for all of us! I feel like I weathered the storm pretty well. The lockdown and lack of connection wasn't great for an extrovert like me but I made the most of it. The lack of physical contact was difficult too. There were good days and bad days but mostly I was ok and made myself busy and got outside as often as I could. I know that next year won't be easy but hopefully the vaccine will allow us to get out and about a little more. And to have some social gatherings that don't need to be outside and with our masks on! That would be a big deal for me - touching, hugging and hanging out - that's my wish๐Ÿ‘ซ 

This month kept me busy most days and I started on December 1st with Infusion #20 at UCSF. It went well and I made some cookies for the staff. That always makes me happy and it's definitely something they enjoy! Everyone loved my shoes and that always makes me smile. I have another infusion on Tuesday Jan 5th that will include cognitive testing which really stresses out my brain. One of my besties - Debbie - is making toffee for them! She's pretty darn amazing. Oh - and for Christmas she dropped off a bunch of KETO and gluten free items for us, and a huge bottle of Vodka. Now that's friendship๐Ÿ˜

I tried to keep busy every day and to connect with friends and family. Some days were better than others but that's ok. I was able to get online and share my journey of living with ALZ and to thank some of the ALZ Assoc volunteers for their support as I shared a "mission moment" with them. I always cry when I talk about the difficulties we had getting my diagnosis, and the sadness we felt when we heard the official news that I did indeed have early stage, early onset ALZ. I do know though that my story and sharing it with volunteers motivates them and reminds them why they are working so hard during walk season and all the other months of the year. Thank you Ondine, Brittany and others for the invitations and the opportunity to share my story.

I finished a few knitting projects this month too and was able to give them for Christmas gifts! I'm out of yarn now which is something that's never happened to me before, so as soon as I'm done with this blog I will be going online to get some more๐Ÿ˜ I love knitting while I'm listening to my audible books and Rusty especially likes to help me and try to play with the yarn! LOL

Speaking of reading, I did re-read 'Where The Crawdads Sing' and it was wonderful the 2nd time around. I decided I didn't like our book club selection so I decided to read one of Barack Obama's selections/ recommendations. 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett. It was good, interesting but the story kept going back and forth and I had a hard time following it. I starting writing down who was related to whom and that helped a little. It's worth reading and an interesting journey through the life of African Americans who have very light skin - to the point that most people think they are white. 

I just started another book that my brother Bob recommended - 'Devil's Teeth' by Susan Casey. It's non fiction and most of the action takes place in San Francisco on the Farallon Islands. I am loving it for a few reasons: 1-I think sharks are fascinating and they are very smart and savvy, and sneaky too. 2-My dad was actually stationed on the Farallon Islands. In 1939 the US Coast Guard took over the lighthouse service and the Navy ran an secret radar station from the Farallon's in WWII. There were only 78 people living there at in 1942. 3-my mom shared pictures with us when I was a little girl, showing us how they transferred her (and the others) from the boat to the island. It is not for the faint of heart. Anyway - it's a great book if you like sharks and want to know more about them!

On another note - unfortunately my shoulder is not getting any better so I started going to our chiropractor. She is a wonderful woman and we've known her for many many years. I'm going weekly now and she's adjusting my shoulder and giving me some new exercises to help with the pain. Some day I will be pain free and have full range of motion! But  honestly the best part is I get to talk to her and hang out with her while she's working on me. It was like old home week and just that one day of connection each week has really helped me. I definitely look forward to our appointments. Thank you Dr. Christine Thompson๐Ÿ™Œ

My fat cat Rusty turned 8 years old this year too! His birthday was Dec 3rd. I did my best to put an outfit on him but he was not having any of it! I did snap a photo of him with a tie on but I had to take it off immediately. He definitely doesn't like clothes - LOL๐Ÿ˜€ He's the best kitty ever and I am so thankful for him. 

Our Christmas was small and safe - similar to our Thanksgiving. We had a great meal with Ryan & Kristen, and Celly too of course. I was able to spend a few days with Kristen after Christmas and help her 'declutter' her house. We also walked a few times with Celly and drove around to look at all the Christmas lights. It was truly a wonderful, safe family experience.

So I guess that's it! Definitely a busy month and some wonderful phone calls and FaceTime chats with my friends and family.

Wishing all of you a fabulous 2021. I appreciate all your support and friendship and prayers. I am doing OK and when my brain isn't working I just stop and relax and pet my kitty. Christmas gifts / shopping and remembering what I bought was extremely difficult. I did the best I could and that's all any of us can do.

God bless you and HAPPY NEW YEAR!


  1. Hi Pam, I just finished reading your latest blog and now I'm sitting here at my computer crying, for so many reasons, You are truly an inspiration and a fighter! I'm wishing you and all of us a better 2021. Happy New Year!

  2. Wow great update. You inspire all of us. Wishing you a happy and go forward New Year. You will break the barrier to altzeimers. Thank you for your courage and never give up pursuit.

  3. I've said it before, and I'll say for ever, you are my heroine, Pam. Loads of love from an island adrift from mainland Europe.


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