I fight for a cure for me & our amazing children❤️

Thursday, October 13, 2016

My side effects and the joy of cats :)

It's amazing to me how much comfort I get from my cats. For those of you who aren't cat lovers this probably sounds strange to you. They bring me so much joy and they know when I need some extra love. They sleep with me and I tolerate them taking up space on the bed. But when they really help me out is on my down days.

I'm currently taking Aricept for my Alzheimer's.  It's suppose to slow down the progression of the disease and of my cognitive decline.  It's taken me over three months to get used to it and to be able to tolerate the side effects. I can't take it in the morning because it makes me sick and nauseous. They don't like you to take it at night because it will cause 'vivid' dreams.  My most recent strategy is to take it at lunch, with my meal. But what I don't know is whether or not IT is working!  Aricept has been around for a long time and I trust my doctors, but it would be nice to see some sort of improvement in my memory.  I seriously doubt that will happen but I continue to hope.

The side effects are not fun and I try to focus on the positive but there are days that I don't want to leave the house because I'm just too tired. Just this week I had plans to walk on the Iron Horse Trail with two of my best friends and I had to cancel because I was so exhausted I couldn't get off the couch.  Rusty & Monty (my kitties) were very happy I was available for them, but I really don't like not feeling well.  It's hard to keep a positive outlook when I'm feeling bad.

The other issues I'm dealing with are constant ringing in my ears, sensitivity to loud noises, irritability (at times), and a VERY hard time falling asleep.  Are these side effects from Aricept? Or is this what my Alzheimer's looks like?  I'm not sure I will ever know the answer to that question. My latest strategy for my lack of sleep is to stay up as late as possible and to only turn the light off when I'm ready.  I also listen to meditation music and do my best to relax my mind.  And to breath slowly and pray......

But through all the struggles and side effects and bad moods I still feel extremely blessed and grateful.  Grateful for my husband who supports me and loves me and doesn't get mad at me when I'm cranky.  Grateful for my extended family and the love from all the Linscheid's.  Grateful for my grandsons who live so close to me and have no idea what I am struggling with. Their unconditional love and laughter keep me smiling. Grateful for my kids and their love and support and frequent visits. Grateful for the local Alzheimer's chapter and all their support and encouragement.  Grateful for my big brother and big sister and their spouses who keep in touch and traveled to walk with me.  Grateful for my BFF's who love me no matter what. Grateful for my Intel family & friends who continue to stay in touch with me and support me and my walks both financially and in person.  And last but not least, grateful for my mom, who instilled in me my faith and my trust in God.  Even though she's been gone for many years, her wisdom helps me with this journey I'm on.  Without faith we have nothing.

But I do have faith and hope!  Now it's time to rest with my kitties......


  1. Beautifully written Pam! We continue to hold you up in prayer for strength, peace, and progress! I so appreciate that you are sharing your journey with us through your blog.

  2. Hi Pam,
    Just wanted you to know we love you. And we love cats too.
    Tim & Elaine

  3. Thank you all for your comments and support!!!

  4. Pam, not sure if you remember me -- I'm a writer, and you and I spoke at an event Pat W sponsored at the PGA resort in Palm Springs, Florida, a few years ago. You came to talk about the new sales program you were setting up. You were a powerhouse then, and I see that you still are now, as your focus shifts to raising funds and understanding to cure Alzheimer's. Sending much love to you and your husband, and making a donation in your honor to the Cure Alzheimer's Fund, which has a 100% rating from Charity Navigator. THANK YOU for your fierce & loving spirit, and for sharing your journey with us. I hope the side effects of Aricept lessen as your body adjusts to it. I'll look forward to future tweets and blog entries!

    1. Thank you Jan -- and yes I remember you �� I really appreciate your emotional support and your donation. Raising money to help fund clinical trials is imperative in our quest to find a cure. God bless you.

  5. Some suggestions are at >>
